Friday, 23 August 2013

Lamentations of a common MMAn.

Following the vein of my last post, another sport I like that I often have to defend is MMA. I'm a pretty passionate MMA fan; I watch all of the UFC events, and when there's a good event from another organisation, I try really hard to find a way to watch that too. But, just like professional wrestling, uneducated detractors, with a lack of understanding, often call me out as to how I can like that cruel, unsanctioned, bloodbath.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

On professional wrestling.

I love professional wrestling. Love it. Specifically the WWE, of course, but I enjoy it in pretty much all of its forms. This probably is no secret to many of the people reading this, but I feel like it's something I have to write about to kind of set the scene for a significant part of what I'll write about in the future.

Sunday, 21 July 2013

And so, it begins.

Hello everyone. It's finally happened. I have a blog. Jesus Christ. Another set of flapping digital gums, another face-anus, spewing forth another torrent of bullshit into the overflowing opinion-sewer that is the internet. I've been wanting to do this for about a year now, but you know, apathy, laziness and procrastination are things. I don't care much whether anyone reads this or not, but somewhere, someone might be thinking; "Hmm, I'm missing that perfect blend of scatological humour, vitriol and over-analysis of events that don't matter." Well, that one person out there is in luck, assuming they ever find this.

You see, I have a lot of unspent anger, a lot of things that I want to talk about that I don't normally get the chance to, and a wish to improve my writing style. I'll be writing all sorts on here, be it reviews of CDs I buy or films I watch, playing in The Angry Seed, skateboarding, WWE, UFC, cricket, football, NFL, politics, news, science, things that I see or do, or whatever happens to be on my mind at the time, and all the while, try and be as entertaining as possible.
I'm new to this whole blogging thing too, so if anybody who's already on blogger reads this, give me a hand on how to spruce this thing up a bit. I'm rubbish at any sort of visual design, and the editing gubbins got a bit too much for a start, so help out in the comments.

Hope you enjoy reading this as much as I'm going to enjoy writing it.